Saturday, March 17, 2007

March 17th, 2007

I've learned that it can most definitely be 20 degrees and 70 degrees all within a 48 hour time period!

I've learned that sometimes it pays to get to a show early.

I've learned that it feels good to have a plan.

I've learned that people will never learn that they need to hold on to the pole while riding the train!

I've learned that the slightest bit of warm weather will bring out a cockroach. WHYYYYYYYY????

I've learned that cockroach will come out at 6:45am just as I'm waking up without glasses on but I will still know exactly what it is.

I've learned that all Charlie has to do is hear the way I call his name to know there is a cockroach in our apartment.

I've learned that many people think I have a "dream job"... but when it comes down to it, it's still just a job and there are just as many problems as any other job (if not more).

I've learned that everything you've always stood for in your life will somehow make you decide the route you need to take.

I've learned that I don't want to be elderly and still taking the subway train.

I've learned that all it takes is five minutes of walking in pumps to cause a blister.

I've learned that two very different people can have the same issues with friends and be able to console each other.

I've learned that I could just be Vice President of a company one day.

I've learned that in New York, 1-2 inches of snow actually means 3-5.

I've learned that you just need to keep smiling because things have a way of working themselves out.

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