Sunday, October 28, 2007

October 28, 2007

I’ve learned that even the “most comfortable shoes” aren’t going to help a fractured foot.

I’ve learned that causing a commotion in an MRI and Diagnostic Center will cause my doctor to make a phone call.

I’ve learned that when they tell you not to fall asleep during an MRI, they really do mean it.

I’ve learned that I can skip the candy bar at the drug store if I only think of the candy corns waiting for me at home.

I’ve learned that a flu shot is not that bad!

I’ve learned that some people just don’t like Justin Timberlake (wha?).

I’ve learned that carrying one bag on your commute is better than carrying two.

I’ve learned that the friend who currently knows me best is a girl who has never even heard my voice.

I’ve learned that just when you think you get a comfortable seat on the train where you can read your book, here comes a guy who feels it’s necessary to sit right down next to you when there are 24 other seats…. And he then proceeds to pull out a NEWSPAPER!

I’ve learned that I not only have the best doctors in NYC, I also have the best tailor.

I’ve learned that when you’re fully prepared for rain, it won’t rain and then you’re left looking like an idiot in big-ass rain boots.

I’ve learned that you can eat a restaurant more than 50 times before, but it doesn’t guarantee that you won’t get food poisoning.

I’ve learned that I’m not sure it’s a good thing when my husband says “It’s good to have you back to normal”.

I’ve learned that all it takes is a 24-hour bout of food poisoning to make you drop that extra three pounds, but I’m not really sure it was worth it!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

October 21, 2007

I’ve learned that even when you know someone is going to be mad, you need to tell them how you feel.

I’ve learned that higher waisted jeans are better.

I’ve learned that cat love new toys.

I’ve learned that sometimes you just get used to being alone even though you don’t like it.

I’ve learned that the easiest way to put on a few pounds is to cut out your main form of exercise.

I’ve learned that a doctor can easily misdiagnose an issue if you don’t tell him your exact symptoms.

I’ve learned that late birthday presents are the best.

I’ve learned that sometimes I just don’t feel like talking to ANYONE.

I’ve learned that you can become close friends with someone without ever hearing their voice.

I’ve learned that you need to read the ebay description closely.

I’ve learned that sizes are nothing but a number and it’s better to wear clothing you feel good in than squeezing into clothing that just does not fit.

I’ve learned that at this point, I will wear anything that allows me to walk comfortably and if that means having to buy crocs, then SO BE IT!

I’ve learned that even when the weather is 75 degrees and sunny, lazy Sundays are sometimes better spent on the couch catching up on television shows.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

October 7, 2007

I've learned that my style might be safe, but at least I'm not wearing a flower sundress with brown suede knee high boots looking like an idiot!

I've learned that I will use any excuse to get out of the office when it's 75 degrees and sunny.

I've learned that a purse can tie a whole outfit together.

I've learned that when you have a good job everyone around you will wonder why you're so happy.

I've learned that if the foot isn't getting better, you need to take the matter into your own hands and go to an Orthopedist.

I've learned sometimes you can squeeze into some pants, but if they are white, you might as well forget about wearing them.

I've learned that chicken noodle soup and mini carrots might possibly be the best lunch ever.

I've learned that you should always keep some candy in your purse.

I've learned that you should always recheck yourself in the mirror before heading outside to go to work.

I've learned that a person can't always be fashionable, there has to be off days too.

I've learned that when you don't expect much, you won't be disappointed.

I've learned that some things should not be done over text messages.

I've learned that birthdays don't always have to be perfect to be special.

I've learned that if you pick any day to be 30 minutes late to a reservation at TAO, it might as well be your birthday.

I've learned that pearls might actually be a women's best friend and that you should leave it up to your mom (aka Jewelry Queen) to get you 9mm pearl earrings!

I've learned that a flea market in Louisville, Kentucky isn't worth going to and you should opt for the zoo instead.

I've learned that there is nothing better than hanging out with your cool 91-year-old grandma making faces at a camera.

I've learned that people don't put a password on their wireless internet in Kentucky.

I've learned that sleeping with cupcakes is absolutely possible.

I've learned that a friend really knows you when instead of getting you a gift, she makes a donation to the ASPCA in your name.

I've learned that some girls can be so overcome with jealousy that it will overtake their life when all they need to do is be happy with what they have instead of harping on what they don't.

I've learned that it's possible to have two separate colds in a one-week period.

I've learned that the last thing I want to see at 9am in the morning right in front of my office building is a man in biker shorts.